


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8AM - 5PM

This directory has been created for oe members to network with others in the business center. Fill out as much information as you would like to share.

1. Only a business name and category are required.
2. You can choose more than one category.
3. Categories are predetermined. You can only choose between those included.
4. When adding tags, you can select ones already used in the directory or create new ones.
5. The tagline and excerpt will be shown on the main directory listing. The description will be seen when someone clicks on your listing and navigates to your page.
6. The max number of photos that can be uploaded is 6. I recommend including your logo as one of the photos.
7. The photo marked as ‘preview’ will be the photo shown on your listing in the main directory.
8. Videos can only be added using a YouTube or Vimeo url.

You need to be logged in to view the content of this page. You can login/sign up Here.

Please be considerate with the information in this directory. You may share contact information with friends and family who are interested in a particular business. But, please don’t share the entire directory publicly.

Questions? Send Jennifer an email at