Logo for Office Evolution in Hillsboro, OR

Member Directory Information

Please use this form to provide us with your business and primary contact information. The directory has been created for oe members to network with others in the business center. Fill out as much information as you would like to share.


If you have another business to add to the directory, fill out a new form.

In 20 words or less, provide your business tagline. This info will be shown on the member directory page, as well as your business page.
In 50 words or less, provide some quick information about your business. This info will be shown on the member directory page, as well as your business page.
Describe your business in 500 words or less. This info will be on your business page.
Choose 1-5 categories that best fit your business
Choose 1-5 tags that best fit your business
Provide your business social platform links, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube.
Provide a link to a business video. Accepted platforms are only YouTube and Vimeo.

Logo & Photos

Email your logo and up to 5 photos to Jennifer at jennifer.george@officeevolution.com